Annie Novotny Montana WPRA 2009 Rookie

Tell us about your horse(s) (age, personality, running style, where you got them, etc). My pro horse is Cash Kisses, she is a 12 year old black mare with multiple personalities. One day she’s in my back pocket the next I spend an hour trying to catch her. She is sort of a push style horse . . . the harder you ride her to the barrel the quicker she’ll turn. I got her from my cousin who bought her from Jodi Irish who trained her after buying her from the Hills. My other horse is Miss America. She is a 5 year old, big sorrel mare. She got her name because of her personality so no more explanation necessary. She is very turny and likes to run. I just bought her from Theresa Walter and am very excited about her:)

What horse(s) are you going to be riding at the circuit finals? I will be riding Kiss at the finals.

Tell us about your rig and traveling partners. This summer I traveled a lot with my dog Lily. I also jumped in with Theresa Walter, Rayna Rice, Katie Rasmussen, Ali MacCarty, and my sister Bailee Stovall.

What do you like most about being on the rodeo road? I like the competition part of it and getting to do what I love every weekend!

What do you like least about the rodeo road? Diesel costs and tire problems.

What was your favorite 2010 Montana rodeo/committee (what special things did the committee do)? Probably Kalispell or Billings because I thought the ground was good and the committees did their best to keep the conditions fair.

What was your best rodeo moment of 2010? Winning Vaughn because my sister’s wedding was that weekend and I was debating whether to turn out because of the wedding the day before. It set the pace for the year.

Besides pro rodeos do you compete in other rodeo or barrel racing organizations? I normally compete at NRA rodeos almost every weekend of the summer too but this year I only went to a few of them because I devoted my time/runs to the pros. I also go to jackpots during the fall and winter to get the young ones topped off.

What are your rodeo plans in 2011? I plan to compete only at the Pro rodeos this next summer on Kiss and hopefully I will be able to take Miss America to a few NRA’s to get her seasoned.

What kind of tack and bits do you use on your horse? On Kiss I used a medium shank Ed Wright bit, on Miss America I use an o-ring.

What kind of saddle do you ride in? Carl Ammerman.

What do you feed your horse? Grass/alfalfa hay and Nutrena Empower and Safe Choice.

What do you do for a warm-up and do you have any superstitions or rituals before a run? I just try and warm her muscles up and make sure she’s moving off my legs. I don’t have any superstitions but I do say a prayer before I run.

What do you do during the week to keep your horse in shape? Normally just long trot them and if needed I’ll blow her out once a week.

Tell us about your family. My family is Awesome! They have done everything to get me to where I am now. I am so thankful that they are so supportive and more than willing to help. My parents are amazing (and really great drivers late at night). My two sisters are also great. They are always fun to travel with and it’s always good to have a little family competition;)

What’s your occupation, besides barrel racing? I am going to school for medical billing and coding and work at the hospital as an OR surgical/anesthesia aide.