Which horse(s) are you taking to the finals? What are their lifetime earnings? I will be taking TS Famous French Bug aka Puddles to the finals. His lifetime earnings are about $28,000.
What is unique about their personality and what are their strengths? Puddles’ personality is unique because he has a lot of sass in such a small stature. He enjoys messing with other horses and making them mad. His strength is that he can stop so quickly. He can make you two to three tenths faster than someone else that ropes their calf in the same spot.
When did you start competing in breakaway? I started around ten years old in the SWYRA.
Do you raise your own horses? Or do you purchase? Are you looking for specific bloodlines? We purchase our own horses. I don’t look for specific bloodlines, but usually try to find something that is either cow or running bred. In Puddles’ case, I bought him in hopes of him becoming a barrel horse because he is out of Famous Bugs. However, he decided 2-3 seconds of running is a lot easier than 17-18.
What are your conditioning and workout routines for both you and your horse(s)? We try to rope 2-3 times a week and on the other days we usually long-trot up the hills around our ranch. On these “off” days I also rope the dummy for about 20-30 minutes.
When you're headed to the rodeo what do you listen to: inspirational podcasts, music, audio books? My sister and I enjoy listening to the “Small Town Murder” podcast because nothing says rodeo time like true crime and comedy.
Do you have a rodeo role model and reasons why? I look up to all my family members because they each have something that I aspire to be. My mom, dad, sister, aunt, grandma, and many other family members all encompass what it means to be a winner. They push me to be my best, believe in myself, and rise to any occasion.
Do you have favorite spots to stop at while on the road? My sister and I like to stop at Town Pump gas stations so we can get 5 cents off our diesel.
Who do you travel with (including pets or companion horses)? I travel with my sister, Celie, and her horse Hot Shot. Puddles is kind of a lone wolf and doesn’t really care about other horses but would prefer not to be alone.
What are your favorite memories/highlights and obstacles you faced getting to the 2022 circuit finals? My favorite memories from this season included winning the Augusta rodeo because it is kind of like a home-town rodeo. Another highlight was placing at the Bozeman rodeo because it was a new personal best. As well, a vivid memory was driving all night from the CNFR to Belt slack. I ended up placing there which made the trip worth it.
What are your hobbies or other sports you compete in? I enjoy baking with my mom and volunteer coaching junior high volleyball.
The Run Down
Saddle: Crates
Pad: Slone
Leg Gear: Classic Equine
Bits: Classic Equine Short Correction Bit
Rope: Rattler Spitfire
Feed and Supplements: Whole oats and Vita Stress once a day.