Which horse(s) are you taking to the finals? I will be bringing CCR Pearl N Blu "Pearl" and Frenchmanatwar "Earl" (2015 Palomino gelding by Frenchmans Guy x War Dutchess by War Easy Jet, Canada Bred)
What is unique about their personality and what are their strengths? How tall are they and what is their weight (thought it would be fun to compare)? Pearl is very demanding and knows she's the queen of our place. She knows what she wants and when she wants it. If I could summarize Pearl in one word, it would be tough. She would run barrels on three legs without skipping a beat if I asked. She loves a big outdoor pen with hard ground and the barrels off the fence. Pearl spends a lot of time at the rodeos, just standing completely still and observing. Her least favorite things are chuckwagons, and when I raise my voice around her, she's susceptible to my emotions, so I have to always be calm around her. Pearl is 14.2 hands and 1225 lbs. Earl is 15.0 hands and about 1275 lbs. Earl is exactly what you would expect from a horse with that name. I haven't had him very long, so I'm still trying to figure him out. He's pretty onery at times but also acts like a big baby. He's unsure of himself, but since I've gone back to the basics and slowly earned his trust, he's now eager to please. Earl doesn't exactly look the part of a barrel horse, but he's extremely talented and quick through his turns.
When did you start competing in barrels? My parents turned me loose on a pony when I was two, so as soon as I could understand the barrel pattern, I was barrel racing.
How long have you been a WPRA member, and how many circuit finals have you qualified for? I filled my permit at the Last Chance Stampede, which was only the second pro rodeo I entered last year. I then bought my rookie card at the beginning of the 2024 season.
Do you raise your own horses? Or do you purchase? Are you looking for specific bloodlines? My mom and I raised and trained Pearl. We owned both of her parents and bought them for a combined total of $2500. I purchased Earl not quite two years ago; he is the first horse I ever purchased. I bought Earl, hoping for him to be my small indoor pen horse, and he has been a work in progress. Regarding bloodlines, I am starting to build a preference for true barrel horse lines, but I'm at the point in my career where I will ride anything talented and adjust my style as needed.
What are your conditioning and workout routines for both you and your horse(s)? My horses are on the LARC interval conditioning program, which involves short bursts of intense training followed by short recovery periods. I try to do lower-body workouts three times a week. I focus on the lower body because my upper body and core are pretty naturally strong, as I work on my family's cattle ranch and ride a lot of horses.
When you're headed to the rodeo what do you listen to: inspirational podcasts, music, audio books? I listen to the Money Barrel and the Happy and Healthy podcasts, along with a variety of music.
What or who are you thankful for? I feel so unbelievably blessed to be able to travel and compete at this level. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have the things that I do. What I'm most thankful for is that everything hasn't been easy for me. The blood, sweat, and tears I've put into rodeo have made every little accomplishment so much more sweet. My mom, brother, Doug and Val White, and the rodeo team at MSU Northern are just a few people I have to thank. Seeing all my prayers answered through this sport has been incredible.
Do you have favorite spots to stop at or snacks while on the road? I love fresh vegetables with ranch if I'm not snacking on Cornuts or Coke. My favorite place to stop is any good coffee shop or Westside convenience store in Malta; they have the best snacks.
Who do you travel with (including pets or companion horses) and in what kind of rig? I travel with my dachshund Whiskey, blue heeler Skeeter, and sometimes Pearl's companion pony Dennis. I drive a Ford dually with a Sundowner living quarters.
What are your favorite memories/highlights and obstacles you faced getting to the 2024 circuit finals? The biggest obstacle I faced this season was that everywhere I entered, it started raining. I went to seven rodeos straight at the beginning of the season without a check. It was challenging to keep entering when things out of my control kept me from placing constantly. My favorite memory from the season was winning White Sulfur Springs. Turning at the gate and hearing my time was a moment I'll never forget. It was an incredible full-circle moment to go from not knowing if I could afford to go to another rodeo at the beginning of the year to winning the last rodeo of the season. It was also my first pro win, which made it a special moment.
What are your hobbies or other sports you compete in? I enjoy painting and drawing, but horses consume most of my free time.
The Run Down
Saddle: Martin Crown C
Pad: 5 star ¾-inch barrel racer
Leg Gear: Classic Equine Flexion splint and bell boots
Shoeing: Safe Grip shoes on front and rims on back
Bits: J & C custom leverage bit for Earl and a long shank locked dog bone for Pearl.
Feed and Supplements (in addition to what, how much you feed daily): I feed Putina Strategy and alfalfa pellets along with MVP 6-way, Mega Cell, and Amino 15x. My horses are also turned out on pasture 24/7.
Additional Care: regular chiropractic work and massage. XLR8 magnetic and Hansbo ceramic therapy products
Sponsors: Cleveland Creek Ranch